Recycling Guide
All recyclable items should be empty, rinsed and clean.
Shredded paper is not accepted in single stream recycling. However, there is a container at Holly Hill by the office trailer where bagged or loose shreds may be deposited.
Plastic bags are not accepted in single stream recycling. Many supermarkets provide convenient collection bins. There is also a collection bin at Holly Hill by the office trailer.
Accepted items:
- Grocery bags
- Bread bags
- Dry cleaning bags
- Ziplock bags
- Bubble wrap
- Wrap from large cases of soda/toilet paper.
Not accepted is film packaging (e.g.):
- Saran wrap,
- Pre-washed salad bags
- Frozen food bags
- Candy and other wrappers
- Chip bags
To learn what materials are collected as single stream recycling, please click below: