Greenwich Recycling Advisory Board
The Greenwich Recycling Advisory Board (GRAB) advocates reducing, reusing and recycling as alternatives to just finding efficiencies in trash removal in Greenwich.
We work with and through the Town’s Public Works Department.
Our mission is to:
- Develop educational materials and programs for the community on the benefits of recycling
- Encourage and implement recycling initiatives leading to sound waste management
- Support recycling education in public and independent schools
- Develop recycling programs which support Town regulations
- Support broader environmental issues such as the CT Bottle Bill
GRAB Initiatives have included:
- Creating educational materials such as the recycling guide, the leaflet on services at Holly Hill and flyers on single stream recycling.
- Organizing presentations throughout Town to promote and support the change from blue bin to single stream recycling.
- Supporting the food scrap recycling program being developed by Waste Free Greenwich as a pilot program.
- Organizing one-day Paper Shredding events each spring for residents. Shredding provides a safe method for disposal of sensitive, personal documents.
- Advocating for reusable wares in public school cafeterias.
Assisting the implementation of recycling programs in larger institutions, most recently at the Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich
- Implementing single stream recycling in public schools, including cafeteria recycling and composting in conjunction with PTAC Green Schools and Conservation Commission.
- Developing recycling education programs and arranging ‘Garbage Tours’ for public and private elementary schools.
- Supporting the installation of the side-by-side trash/recycling bins in public spaces.
- Initiating a cell phone recycling program intended to keep toxic metals out of the trash and ground water. This program was a predecessor to the Town’s permanent E-waste collection at Holly Hill.
- Creating a series of public service newspaper ads to explain aspects of the recycling programs in Greenwich.
- Organizing annual sneaker recycling program. The program ran for seven years each spring collecting sneakers which were recycled through the Nike Reuse-a-Shoe Program.
Holly Hill (the Town Dump) is open to residents:
Monday – Friday, 7am — 2:30pm
Saturday, 7am — 12noon
Phone: (203) 869-6910
Make an important contribution toward the preservation of our environment for future generations
Please contact for more information or becoming a volunteer.
Email: [email protected]
Teaching Recycling at Holly Hill